Planning Your Business: Getting A Handle On The Nuances Of Implementing Your Idea
Research your business concept to make sure you get the results you want and deserve. Evaluate whether the location and the number of guestrooms you are considering will allow you to make the money you desire. Hone your market niche for success. Solid research lets you modify your plans before you put money into the project and to create a profitable situation. This eBook is your planning guide.
Category: Ebook
- What’s The “Balancing Act” For Your Business Planning
- Time Lines And The B&B Project
- Market Investigation
- Questions To Ask In Your Investigation
- Topics To Research
- Answer Sources
- Food And Your B&B
- Is There A Restaurant In Your B&B Future?
- Your B&B Business Plan
- Forms Of Ownership
- Worksheet: Your Market Niche
- Worksheet: Who’s Part Of Your Management Team
- Worksheet: What Happens If Your Inn Fails?
- Worksheet: List Your Local Competition
- Property Comparison
- The Start-up Versus Turnkey B&B Purchase
- Americans With Disabilities Act As Applied To B&Bs
- ADA Resources
- Insuring Your B&B Inn
- Decorating Your B&B Inn
- Color Your Inn For Success
73 pages (PDF is 334K)
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